Monday, December 16, 2013

And the crazy stuff.

Between 2011 and early 2012, I went through a long phase of depression. And when I started seeing things which were really not there, I really thought I'm going mad. For almost a week, I saw off and on these distorted, formless shapes/objects superimposed on the everyday - unreadable text floating in front of my eyes, on the mirror. I was used to the occasional visual illusions /misperceptions which most of us with SD suffer, but these new kind of prolonged visions were not fun.

I was concerned for my mental well-being, and I decided to seek medical help for my depression. To control my anxiety levels, they prescribed me some anti-depressants during the first consultation. I was so frightened with the thought of some colored pills controlling my life that I didn't take any.
I tried to meditate myself to sleep.

Next morning, I took out my running shoes, and started training again after several years of hiatus. My energy levels were again back to normal in few days. I positively tried to bring some changes into my life.

Everything was going right in my life, and then suddenly out of nowhere I start seeing things again one day. Even thought it lasted for a minute or so, I was really terrified. I went into a state of panic. I asked myself if I'm "really" alright now?

I had read about Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS), so I called my retina specialist after a few days when I could think a little clearer. He said it was probably CBS and nothing that I should worry about.  He reassured me that it is not psychiatric in nature, but just hyperactivity of the brain to fill the blind spots with something. When it cannot draw on sensation, it draws on memory.

Over time, I've noticed that the days when my eyes are very tired, these hallucinations return. And they go away quickly as well. I've learnt to not associate with my mental health. Although it was hard in the beginning. I prefer not to discuss this with others though (family or friends), as I'm not sure if they will understand.

Recently I read an interesting book by Oliver Sacks titled Hallucinations, where the author argues that having hallucinations does not mean psychosis. In fact hallucinations are rather a "positive phenomena, as opposed to the negative symptoms, the deficits or losses caused by accident or disease, which neurology is classically based on. The mind is not able to tell apart vision from reality as the hallucinations are much more like perceptions. They make use of same visual areas and pathways as perception. [...]  In modern Western culture, hallucinations are more often considered or portend madness or something dire happening to the brain - even though the vast majority of hallucinations have no such dark implications. There is great stigma here, and patients are often reluctant to admit to hallucinating, afraid that their friends and even their doctors will think they are losing their minds..". There is an entire chapter on visual hallucinations related to Charles Bonnet Syndrome, where he details several types of hallucinations - text, notation, music that one sees for hours but which cannot be read; misshapen distorted images/objects/faces, misalignment, distortion, inversion of image, etc. 

Here is a link to his Ted talk:

I also came across a comprehensive article on scientific american blog on CBS which may be of some help:

Friday, May 17, 2013

ACT reports improvement in vision from 20/400 to 20/40

Just a quick update. Not much details so far on it, but ACT  reported in a recent press release that one of the patients enrolled in their stem cell trials had an improvement in vision from 20/400 to 20/40.
This is really great :)
Complete news article here:

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Cuts and burns crossed out

I miss a step a little too often, I bump into things (sometimes electric poles), cuts and bruises are a norm. The day is not far when they will be convinced that I suffer from some self-injury disorder or DSH.

Partial vision is not easy to live with. You think you can see when you actually cannot.

I recently purchased cut and heat resistant gloves, something similar to these (Kevlar knit gloves). I highly recommend them. They are not bulky and very useful for everyday kitchen work. A little difficult to clean though.